Blog #2 (My Literacy Experiences)

 When I reflect on my literacy experiences from 6th through 12th grade, I can pinpoint a negative shift from middle school to high school. The time when I loved reading the most was definitely 7th grade. It started with having the summer assignment of reading "Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. It was the first book in a while that had actually hooked me. I'm not usually someone who re-reads books, but I definitely read "Hunger Games" a handful of times! Then, my positive literacy experience in 7th grade only grew once school started. Ms. Matthews was my 7th grade English teacher, and she actually helped me to enjoy reading and writing! In elementary school, I always loved math and science so much more, and reading was just a "have to" instead of a "want to." In elementary school, I read books solely for the purpose of gaining more AR points, but I didn't find joy in reading. That was, until 7th grade, Ms. Matthews overflowed with a love for literature and it was contagious! She helped us to find books we actually enjoyed! I also think we had a similar interest in books because the other book we read in her class was "The Giver" by Lois Lowry and to this day it's still one of my favorite books. My 8th grade teacher was okay, but her class was filled with more busy work than a love/appreciation for literacy. Then, throughout high school, my schedule was filled with sports, band, AP classes, social life, and church that it really didn't leave time for reading outside of what was required for my classes. 

I'm grateful that I had a teacher that showed me what it's like to have a love for reading. The only other person I've known with this kind of love/passion for reading is Dr. Giles. When I came into college, I would have easily said, "I don't like reading," but Dr. Giles helped spark my love for reading again. I still struggle with finding the time, but I absolutely LOVE finding good picture books and stocking my future classroom library with books by Eric Carle, Peter Reynolds, Ashley Bryan and so many others. So, I want to share my love for picture books with my students and help them find the type of books that interest them! 


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