I read
Anansi The Spider by Gerald McDermott. This book is a Caldecott Honor book. My favorite part about this book is the illustrations. I love the different shapes and colors that are used to bring this story to life. This book is about a spider named Anansi who has six sons. Anansi gets into some trouble, but all six of his sons come to his rescue. Anansi wants to reward his six sons with this bright, white ball of light he found, but he can't decide who to give it to. He gives the reward to the god of all things while he makes his decision. In the end, Anansi never chose which son to receive the reward, so the god of all things put the reward in the sky for all to see. The reward becomes the moon. I liked this book. I think the appropriate grade level would be kindergarten to sixth grade. I would read this book in my classroom. I think it would be so fun for students to create their own version of how different things came to be like stars, the sun, grass, trees, etc. Just to give them a chance to be creative while also working on writing skills.
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